English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word ground‐control

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(actuate; enable; implement; operate; work)
(ascendance; ascendancy; governance; regulation; reign; rule; ruling);
🔗 All these forms of control have been tried and tested in Thailand in the past.
(bridle; check; curb; inhibit; restrain; rein in; contain)
(break; subdue; train); ;
tot gehoorzaamheid dwingen
(bottom; foundation; bed); ;
(earth; soil); ;
🔗 The nest of this species is on the ground.
(account; motive; reason);
(earth; land);
🔗 He leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march, so vast it drinks the rivers dry.
(angle; motif; motivation; motive; theme)
(base; basis; footing; platform; stem);
(run aground; run ashore; strand; grind to a halt)
aan de grond lopen
🔗 The lucky half fled back downwind to Bulmer Skeme and grounded on the beach.
(grounds; terrain; lot)
🔗 Experts say armed groups have gained more ground in Mali and Burkina Faso despite the coups there and predict a similar trajectory for Niger if the régime remains in place.

controlbedienen; bediening; bedieningspaneel; bedwang; bedwingen; beheer; beheersen; beheersing; beheren; beperking; bestrijden; bestrijding; besturen; besturing; bestuur; controle; controleren; in bedwang houden; leiden; leiding; macht; nakijken; regelaar; regelen; regeling; regelknop; regeren; toezicht; zeggenschap; zelfbeheersing
groundaan de grond lopen; aan de grond raken; aarde; aarden; achtergrond; baseren; beweeggrond; beweegreden; bodem; de beginselen onderwijzen; grond; gronden; grondkleur; grondverven; grondvesten; onderbouwen; ondergrond; op de grond houden; op strand zetten; reden; stranden; terrein