English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word far‐right

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 With the French presidential elections just six weeks away, several of president Emmanuel Macron’s challengers—far‐right candidates Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour and far‐left leader Jean‐Luc Melenchon—have had to reverse their long‐held favorable views of Putin and his practices.
(distant; remote; far‐away); ;
🔗 Her eyes stared at something in the far distance.
(extremely; hugely; greatly);
🔗 The bar was set low, far too low, for Trump.
(away; forth; off; yonder; afar); ;
; ; ;
🔗 Not many around here have gone as far.
een heleboel
(to the right);
(true; correct; sound; valid)
🔗 Having rights and enforcing them are quite different, however.
(correct; exact; proper);
🔗 We made the right decision to evacuate.
(exactly; just; okay; accurately; correctly; precisely; aright; properly);
🔗 Tam was right where he had left him, seemingly asleep.
(of use; suitable; appropriate; apt; due; expedient; useful; fitting; applicable)
(right‐hand side); ;
🔗 At the banquet king Casmir and queen Sollace sat at the head of the great table, with Suldrun at her father’s right and Carfilhiot to the left of queen Sollace.

farafgelegen; ver; veraf; verre; verreweg
rightbehoorlijk; billijk; echt; gelijk; geschikt; geëigend; goed; helemaal; herstellen; in de haak; in orde; in orde maken; juist; midscheeps leggen; naar rechts; overeind zetten; pal; precies; recht; recht doen; recht laten wedervaren; rechterhand; rechterkant; rechtervleugel; rechterzij; rechterzijde; rechter‐; rechtmatig; rechtop zetten; rechts; rechtvaardig; redresseren; verbeteren; vierkant; vlak; waar; wel; zeer; zich oprichten