English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word consumption‐record

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(tuberculosis; phthisis; TB; TBC)
🔗 The government is also burdened with the high cost of subsidizing fuel for local consumption.
(enrol; keep; register); ; ; ;
🔗 He kept her chained and abused her while recording everything on video.
(account book; inventory; register); ;
(enter; note);
🔗 The cost of living is high in the West African state with inflation hitting a record 54 percent in December, the highest in 21 years.

consumptionconsumptie; gebruik; longtuberculose; tering; uittering; verbruik; vertering
recordaangeven; aantekenen; aantekening; afschrift; antecedenten; boeken; boekstaven; gedenkschrift; gedenkteken; getuigenis; grammofoonplaat; melding maken van; opname; opnemen; optekenen; optekening; plaat; record; record‐; registreren; staat van dienst; te boek stellen; topprestatie; uitbrengen; vastleggen; verhalen; verleden; vermelden

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