English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word calming

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(quiet; silence; quiescence; tranquillity);
(appease; assuage; quiet; quiten; soothe; still; tranquillize; relieve);
🔗 Jubal drew several deep breaths to calm his nerves.
(docile; quiescent; quiet; still; at ease); ;
(allay; appease; assuage; pacify; quiet; quieten; soothe; still; becalm; mollify);
(clear; fine; peaceful; placid; serene; unruffled; untroubled); ;
(quiet; still; tranquil);
🔗 The sea was calm and shallow.

calmbedaard; bedaren; doen bedaren; kalm; kalmeren; kalmte; rust; rustig; rustigheid; stillen; tot bedaren brengen; windstil; windstilte

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