English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word afford

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
permesi sin
(administer; allow; deal; confer; give; grant; impart; provide; spare; invest with; fetch; yive)
de vrijheid nemen
; ;
permesi al si
🔗 But many residents in Montevideo and the surrounding area can’t afford to buy bottled water, and have been forced to keep drinking from the taps, Santos said.
(carry away; carry out; endure; put up with; stand);
naar buiten brengen

affordgeven; leveren; opbrengen; opleveren; verschaffen; zich veroorloven
be able to affordhet zich kunnen veroorloven
be able to afford somethingzich iets kunnen permitteren
be able to afford the timeer de tijd voor hebben
be able to afford timeer tijd voor hebben