English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word abide

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(keep; remain; rest; stay; stay over; stop; tarry);
(brook; condone; endure; put up with; stand; stomach; tolerate; bear);
🔗 She made my face such that I cannot abide my own sight.
(linger; remain; stay; sojourn)
(comply; obey); ;
🔗 Abide by the rules.
(comply; mark; mind; observe; respect; watch); ; ; ; ; ;
(honour; fulfil; keep; meet; observe)
(constant; continual; continuous; enduring; lasting; permanent; standing; steadfast); ;

abideafwachten; beiden; dragen; dulden; toeven; uithouden; uitstaan; verbeiden; verblijven; verdragen; vertoeven; volharden; wonen
abide byzich houden aan
abide withniet verlaten
abidingblijvend; duurzaam; vast