English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word waterlily

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(yellow waterlily)
blue Egyptian waterlily
(sacred blue lily; blue Egyptian lotus; blue waterlily)
lotus blau
lotus del Nil
lotus egipci blau
blue waterlily
(sacred blue lily; blue Egyptian lotus; blue Egyptian waterlily)
lotus blau
lotus del Nil
lotus egipci blau
Egyptian white waterlily
(tiger lotus; white Egyptian lotus; white lotus)
lotus blanc
lotus egipci
lotus sagrat
lotus tigre
European white waterlily
(white waterlily; white water rose; white nenuphar)
nenúfar blanc
nimfea blanca
(European white waterlily; white water rose; white nenuphar)
nenúfar blanc
nimfea blanca
🔗 It is usually found in shallower water than the white waterlily, and often in beaver ponds.
yellow waterlily
yellow waterlily
nenúfar groc
🔗 I stopped and turned to look, and she stood there, pale as a lily.
🔗 This means the planet is warm enough for water to be present on its surface.
(sprinkle; spatter)
(of water; watery)
🔗 At the base of each mountain range, on the inner side of the triangle, ran a stream of water.
🔗 Drink a little water.

waterlily nenúfar
blue Egyptian waterlily lotus blau; lotus del Nil; lotus egipci blau
blue waterlily lotus blau; lotus del Nil; lotus egipci blau
Egyptian white waterlily lotus blanc; lotus egipci; lotus sagrat; lotus tigre
European white waterlily nenúfar blanc; nimfea blanca
white waterlily nenúfar blanc; nimfea blanca
yellow waterlily nenúfar groc
lily lliri
water abeurar; aigua; aquàtic; regar