English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word Dover sole

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(common sole; black sole)
🔗 Its most popular products are Dover sole, lemon sole, cuttle‐fish and plaice—about 90% of which is exported to France, Spain, the Netherlands and Italy on its fleet of lorries.
planta del peu
(alone; only; solitary; lone; single; unaccompanied)
🔗 Aleksej Navalʹnyj, Russia’s most outspoken opposition leader, tweeted that “remaining the sole leader for life, taking ownership of an entire country, and appropriating wealth to himself and his friends is the only goal of Putin and his régime.”

Dover sole llenguado; palaia; ruarda
sole llenguado; planta del peu; posar soles; sol; sola; solter; únic