English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word price

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Visa said that consumer spending fell for the first time in nearly four years in May as households were squeezed by rising prices and stagnant wages.
at any price
(at all costs; at any cost; at any sacrifice)
price range
🔗 It’s not just those looking to book this year that have been affected by price rises.
rise in price
(rise in prices)
(price range)
(costly; dear; expensive)
🔗 A trip to the already pricey city of Venice, Italy, will now leave your wallet even emptier than before.

price die prys vra; prys; prys gee; prys vasstel; waarde; waardeer
advance in price in prys verhoog; prysverhoging
at any price teen enige prys; ten alle koste
at the price teen die prys
beat down the price afding; op die prys afding
beyond price onbetaalbaar; onskatbaar
cash price kontantprys
closing prices slotkoerse
contract price aanbestedingsom; aanneemsom
cost price aankoopwaarde; inkoopprys; koopprys
drop in price prysdaling
every man has his price daar is niemand wat nie omgekoop kan word nie
fancy price buitensporige prys
force up prices pryse opdryf
knock‐down price minimumprys; reserweprys
long price volle prys
middle price gemiddelde prys
minimum price minimumprys
name one’s price jou eie prys maak
opening price aanvangskoers
peak price hoogste prys; topprys
price tag pryskaartjie
price ticket pryskaartjie
purchase price aankoopprys; aankoopsom; inkoopprys; koopprys; koopsom
put a price on somebody’s head ’n prys op iemand se hoof stel; ’n prys op iemand se kop sit
recommended price aanbevole prys; rigprys
reserve price reserweprys
rise in price prysstyging; prysverhoging
rock‐bottom price allerlaagste prys
standard price standaardprys
top price hoogste prys; topprys
trade price groothandelprys
upset price eerste bod; inset; reserweprys
what is the price? wat kos dit?
wholesale price groothandelprys
half‐price halfprys
low‐priced goedkoop
market‐price markprys
price‐book katalogus; pryslys
price‐class prysklas
price‐cutting prysbesnoeiing; prysvermindering
priceless kostelik; onbetaalbaar; onskatbaar
price‐list pryslys
sale‐price verkoopprys
selling‐price verkoopprys
underprice ’n laer prys vra as; ’n te lae prys bied