English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word mute

English → Afrikaans
mute demp; figurant; grafbidder; muta; sourdine; sprakeloos; stemloos; stom; stom letter; stomme; stom mens; swyend; swygend; toeskouer; toondemper; toonloos; woordeloos
as mute as a mackerel so stom soos ’n vis
in mute adoration in stille aanbidding
mute swan witswaan
deaf‐mute doofstom; doofstomme
mutely stil; swyend; swygend
muteness sprakeloosheid; stemloosheid; stilswyendheid; stilswygendheid; stomheid
mutism stomheid
semi‐mute halfstom