English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word chieftown

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(boss; governor; head; leader; master; prefect)
🔗 For their part, EU chiefs are showing signs of maximum exasperation with May and her administration.
(dominant; key; main; major; peak; prime; principal; senior; staple; premier)
🔗 The chief difficulty for the solitary student is, how to acquire fluency.
(boss; headman; leader; head; kingpin)
🔗 Take us to your chief.
(dominant; overwhelming; ultimate)
🔗 The money that comes from the natural resources mostly leaves town.

chiefbaas; eerste; hoof‐; hoof; hoogstaande; hoogste; kaptein; leier; opperhoof; opperste; owerste; sjef; skildhoof; vernaamste
towndorp; stad; steeds

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