English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word chief

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(boss; leader; governor; head; master; prefect)
🔗 For their part, EU chiefs are showing signs of maximum exasperation with May and her administration.
(main; major; principal; dominant; key; peak; prime; senior; staple; premier)
🔗 The chief difficulty for the solitary student is, how to acquire fluency.
(boss; leader; headman; head; kingpin)
🔗 Take us to your chief.
(dominant; overwhelming; ultimate)
(principally; mainly; above all; notably);
🔗 Divided into three parts, it has been written to meet the needs of both those who are chiefly interested in learning to translate English into Latin and those who want to be able to read Latin as soon as possible.

chiefbaas; eerste; hoof‐; hoof; hoogstaande; hoogste; kaptein; leier; opperhoof; opperste; owerste; sjef; skildhoof; vernaamste
chief clerkeerste klerk; hoofklerk
chief directorhoofbestuurder
chief justicehoofregter
chief mateeerste stuurman
chief matronhoofmatrone
chief priestowerpriester
chief rôlehoofrol
chief stewardhoofkelner; hooftafelbediende
chief supportsteunpilaar
in chiefvernaamlik
paramount chiefhoofkaptein; opperhoof
tribal chiefstamhoof
chieflygrotendeels; hoofsaaklik; veral; vernaamlik
commander‐in‐chiefhoofaanvoerder; opperbevelhebber