English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word chicken‐run

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 I don’t buy chicken any more.
🔗 The research team is now working to track how chickens, which are native to Southeast Asia, came to Britain.
(expand; extend; range; reach; stretch; spread)
(function; operate; work; perform; act)
🔗 Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.
(file; line; rank; row; queue; round; sequence; bank; string)
(flow; stream);
🔗 However, the Yellow River, a major river which runs through Lánzhōu, has not been contaminated, Xīnhuá said.
🔗 We have to run.
🔗 But now general Gerasimov has to run a real war.

chickenhoender; hoendervleis; kind; kuiken; snuiter
runaanloop; aanvraag; afloop; agtervolg; bestorming; bestuur; deining; deurbreék; deurbréék; draai; draf; dryf; drywe; etter; geldig wees; geloop; hardloop; hoenderkampie; hol; hê; kampie; klim; kruip; laat loop; laat skiet; lek; loop; lopie; luggang; lê; meeding; najaag; oorloop; opstel; rye; ryg; seil; skif; smelt; smokkel; steek; stoom; stoot; stroom; stryk; tipe; toeloop; toggie; trek; uitstappie; vaar; vaart; vervloei; vervolg; vloei; vrye toegang; wedloop; wegloop; weiveld

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