English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word answer

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(reply; respond; correspond; return)
(reply; response)
🔗 They gave me the answers they wanted to give me.
🔗 I think that I will not answer that question.

answerantwoord; beantwoord; beskeid; boet vir; hom verantwoord; instaan vir; ooreenkom; oplossing; verhoring; voldoen; voordeel afwerp
answer a letterterugskrywe; ’n brief beantwoord
answer backteëpraat
answer forverantwoord
answer in the negativenee sê; ontkennend beantwoord
answer no purposeaan geen doel beantwoord nie
answer the belldie deur oopmaak; iemand inlaat; oopmaak
answer the purposeaan die doel beantwoord
in answer toin antwoord op
in answer to prayeras gebedsverhoring; in antwoord op die gebed
return an answerantwoord