English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word Justice

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(but; only; as little as)
🔗 But Michigan’s just the first part of Trump’s puzzle.
(accurately; correctly; exactly; okay; precisely; right; aright; properly)
🔗 That’s just what I was thinking to myself, Huck.
(just now; newly; a minute ago)
(merely; only)
🔗 It’s just a flesh wound.
(but; merely; only; simply; solely)
🔗 Just keep out of our way.

justicebillikheid; geregtigheid; justisie; onpartydigheid; regspleging; regter; regverdigheid; rigter
administer justiceregspreek
court of justicegeregshof; regbank
department of justicedepartement van justisie
do justiceeer aandoen; reg laat wedervaar
do oneself justicehom met ere van sy taak kwyt
in all justicein alle billikheid
in justicein billikheid; van regsweë
justice of the peacevrederegter
minister justicereg spreek
minister of justiceminister van justisie
miscarriage of justicegeregtelike dwaling; regterlike dwaling
summary justicestandreg
temper justice with mercyreg met genade versag
with complete justicemet die volste reg
injusticeonreg; onregmatigheid; onregverdigheid; verongelyking
justbillik; bloot; daarewe; eenvoudig; effens; effentjies; flus; flussies; juis; net; nou net; onpartydig; op die kop; presies; regverdig; so pas; sommer; welverdiend