Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word suip

Afrikaans → English
suip alcoholize; bib; booze; carouse; drink; fuddle; guzzle; potation; sot; swig; swill; tope
besope drunk; drunken; in liquor; the worse for liquor; screwed; skinful; sodden with drink; sottish; sozzled; tipsy
opsuip guzzle
suipdier suckling
suipemmer watering‐bucket
suiper drinker; lapper; toper
suipery boozing; drinking; fuddling; tippling
suiping drinking‐place
suipkalf suckling
suiplam suckling
suiplap Bacchanalian; bibber; carouser; sot; guzzler; soaker; swiller; toper
suipparty bacchanal; carousal; drinking‐bout; drunk; fuddle; orgy; soak
suipplek drinking‐place; watering‐place