Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word spier

Afrikaans → English
spier brawn; muscle; sinew
geen spier vertrek nie not turn a hair
sonder om ’n spier te trek without flinching
sonder om ’n spier te vertrek without moving a muscle
bindspier ligament
borsspier pectoral
buigspier flexor
deltaspier deltoid; deltoid muscle
draaispier rotator
driekopspier triceps
dwarsspier transverse
gespier brawny; wiry; muscled; thewed; thewy
gespierd athletic; brawny; wiry; muscular; robust; sinewy; thewed; thewy; vigorous; virile; well‐knit; well‐set
hefspier elevator; levator
kouspier cheek‐muscle
kringspier constrictor
kuitspier sural muscle
lagspiere risible muscles; risible nerves
poortspier sphincter
rekspier dilatator; dilator
ringspier sphincter
saamtrekspier contractor
sluitspier constrictor; obturator; sphincter
spieratrofie sweeny
spierbeskrywing myography
spierbeweging muscular movement
spierbundel muscular fascicle
spierkrag beef; brawn; brawniness; elbow‐grease; nerve; muscle; muscularity; muscular strength
spierkramp crick; muscular spasm
spierkunde myology
spierloos muscleless
spiermaag gizzard
spierontsteking myositis
spierpyn muscular pains; myalgia
spierrumatiek muscular rheumatism
spierstelsel muscular system; musculature
spierstyfheid muscular stiffness
spiertrekking jactitation; muscular twitch; tic
spierverlamming muscular paralysis; paresis
spierverswakking sweeny
spiervesel muscle fibre
spierwand muscular wall
spierweefsel muscle; muscular tissue
spierwit white as snow; snowy; lily‐white; milk‐white
strekspier extensor; protractor
tongspier lingual muscle
trekspier abductor; constrictor; extensor; erector; motory muscle; tensor
vliegspier flight‐muscle