Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word lomperd

Afrikaans → English
lomperd bear; blunderer; boor; bumpkin; chuff; galoot; gawk; Grobian; hawbuck; hind; hobnail; jumbo; looby; lubber; muff; swab
lomp awkward; bearish; boorish; butter‐fingered; churlish; clownish; clumsily; clumsy; coarse; discourteous; cumbersome; cumbrous; elephantine; gauche; gawky; graceless; gross; heavy; heavy‐footed; incondite; hulking; hulky; leaden; left‐handed; lubberlike; lubberly; lumpish; mannish; maladroit; oafish; ponderous; rag; roughcast; rude; rugged; rustic; tactless; uncourtly; ungainly; ungraceful; unhandy