Information about the word Gambia (English → Esperanto: gambilanda)

Synonym: Gambian

Part of speechunknown part of speech
Pronunciation/ˈɡæmbɪə̯/, /ˈɡæmbjə/
Shavian alphabet·𐑜𐑨𐑥𐑚𐑾, ·𐑜𐑨𐑥𐑚𐑘𐑩
Deseret alphabet𐐘𐐰𐑋𐐺𐐮𐐯

Usage samples

ECOWAS’s last intervention in a member state was in 2016 when former Gambia president Yahya Jammeh refused to step down after an electoral loss.


DutchGambiaans; Gambisch
Esperantogambilanda; gambia