Information about the word en route (English → Esperanto: survoje)

Synonym: on one’s way

Part of speechadverb
Pronunciation/ɑ̃ːˈɹuːt/, /ɔ̃ːˈɹuːt/, /ɑːnˈɹuːt/, /ɒnˈɹuːt/
Hyphenationen route
Shavian alphabet𐑭𐑯𐑮𐑵𐑑, 𐑷𐑯𐑮𐑵𐑑, 𐑪𐑯𐑮𐑵𐑑
Deseret alphabet𐐪𐑌𐑉𐐭𐐻, 𐐫𐑌𐑉𐐭𐐻, 𐐱𐑌𐑉𐐭𐐻

Usage samples

The plane, en route to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was shot down near Tehran last Wednesday, shortly after Iran had launched missiles at two air bases housing US forces in Iraq.
If he was on board his own private jet when it went down en route from Moscow to Saint Petersburg then it would mark a shocking and violent end to a very turbulent life.